Clojure test coverage with Eftest and Cloverage

May 8, 2021

A little bit later but I would like to announce that from version >= 1.2.2 Cloverage has built-in support for running tests using Eftest Clojure test runner. So now it is possible to have test coverage using Eftest.

I'm going to show some examples of usage and configuration options.

Using tools.deps

All we need is to set dependencies and configure runner as :eftest and optionally pass Eftest's params as :runner-opts:


  :test {:extra-paths ["test"]
         :extra-deps {eftest/eftest {:mvn/version "0.5.9"}
                      cloverage/cloverage {:mvn/version "1.2.2"}}
         :exec-fn     cloverage.coverage/run-project
         :exec-args {:test-ns-path ["test"]
                     :src-ns-path ["src"]
                     :runner :eftest
                     :runner-opts {:fail-fast? true}}}}

Then run:

clojure -X:test

Note: for now in the case of using tools.deps we should explicitly define test and source paths.

Example output looks like:

clojure -X:test

=> Running tests...
Loading namespaces:  (myprj.util.db myprj.util.test myprj.util.file myprj.util.spec myprj.models myprj.actions myprj.schema myprj.sql myprj.migrations myprj.core)
Test namespaces:  (myprj.migrations-test myprj.models-test myprj.schema-test myprj.testing-config)
Instrumented myprj.util.db
Instrumented myprj.util.test
Instrumented myprj.util.file
Instrumented myprj.util.spec
Instrumented myprj.models
Instrumented myprj.actions
Instrumented myprj.schema
Instrumented myprj.sql
Instrumented myprj.migrations
Instrumented myprj.core
Instrumented 11 namespaces in 1.7 seconds.

35/35   100% [==================================================]  ETA: 00:00

Ran 35 tests in 0.871 seconds
53 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors.
Ran tests.
Writing HTML report to: /home/username/Projects/myprj/target/coverage/index.html

|        Namespace | % Forms | % Lines |
|    myprj.actions |   79.36 |  100.00 |
|       myprj.core |   83.50 |   87.50 |
| myprj.migrations |   86.36 |   94.83 |
|     myprj.models |   69.09 |  100.00 |
|     myprj.schema |  100.00 |  100.00 |
|        myprj.sql |   83.85 |   95.48 |
|    myprj.util.db |   91.60 |   94.44 |
|  myprj.util.file |   85.19 |   88.89 |
| |  100.00 |  100.00 |
|  myprj.util.spec |   42.31 |   71.43 |
|  myprj.util.test |   92.38 |  100.00 |
|        ALL FILES |   80.57 |   96.15 |


  • at the moment for tools.deps it is not possible to configure regex options such as :ns-exclude-regex or :test-ns-regex cause there is no ability to define regex patterns in EDN;

Note: regex support and requiring a definition of paths is general problem and should be fixed when Cloverage receives full tools.deps support.

Using Leiningen

In Leiningen we have the full support of all options and not need to define test and source paths:


(defproject myprj "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :profiles {:coverage {:dependencies [[eftest "0.5.9"]
                                       [cloverage "1.2.2"]]
             :plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.2.2"]]
             :cloverage {:runner :eftest
                         :runner-opts {:fail-fast? true}
                         :ns-exclude-regex [#".*.core"  #"user"]}}}})

And run:

lein with-profiles +coverage cloverage